



The biceps are the muscles on the front of the upper arm. To stretch the biceps:

Stand with your back to a wall

Reach back and place your hands shoulder-width apart on it and turn your fingers in at an angle and hold.

When doing this, bend forward slightly at the hips and keep your arms straight.

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The triceps are the large muscles on the back of the upper arms. To stretch the triceps:

Place your right hand flat on your upper back as if you were patting yourself

Grab your elbow with your left hand and pull your arm toward your left side.

After holding for your desired time frame, release the pressure and repeat with the other side.

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Shoulder stretch


Shoulder Stretch

If the back of your shoulder is tight, you may be more likely to develop rotator cuff problems — especially if you golf or participate in overhead racket or throwing sports, such as tennis or baseball. To keep your shoulders flexible:

Bring your left arm across your body and hold it with your right arm, either above or below the elbow.

Hold for about 30 seconds.

Switch arms and repeat.

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Arms (Dynamic): Forward/Backward Arm Circles

5 reps each direction.