sprintHuman Performance Laboratory

Our research objectives are to understand the basic mechanisms that influence the structural integrity and performance of musculoskeletal structures and gross human movement and based on this information, identify individualized physical activity dose and movement mechanics that will allow a person to increase their health, quality of life, and physical performance capabilities while minimizing their risk of injury.

To achieve these objectives, we study the basic mechanical and physiological properties of musculoskeletal structures, how these properties are affected by various factors (e.g. exercise, disuse, aging, gender, and movement mechanics) and how these structures affect human movement performance.

In line with our objective to provide our community with exercise resources, this website serves as a stretching guide and also compares the benefits of static and dynamic stretching.


The Human Performance Lab (HPL) is housed inside of Hickey Gym on the University of California, Davis campus. (Debbie Aldrige/UC Davis archival photo)